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Wind and solar costs keep falling, squeezing nuke, coal plants

Wind and solar have become the cheapest sources of power, and natural gas-fired plants are the best option to back

Innovation is making solar panels harder to recycle

The United States installs 7 million pounds per day of solar panels, according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a

Climate change may already be hitting the housing market

Between 2007 and 2017, in the USA, average home prices in areas facing the lowest risk of flooding, hurricanes and

The giant coal plant converting to green energy

On the train to visit one of the last places in Britain that burns coal for electricity, I pass three

This island nation is making the fastest-ever shift to renewables

Like most islands, Palau, a Pacific island nation that bills itself as a pristine paradise, currently relies on diesel fuel

Coal is being squeezed out of power by cheap renewables

Coal will be increasingly squeezed out of the power generation market over the next three decades as the cost of

Climate change is messing with your dinner

The world’s dinner tables are seeing the impact of climate change. As cold regions become warmer, and warm places hotter

Ireland becomes world’s first country to divest from fossil fuels

The Republic of Ireland will become the world’s first country to sell off its investments in fossil fuel companies, after

G7 countries still heavily subsidising the fossil fuel industry

A new report has highlighted how member states of the G7 are failing to cut subsidies to the fossil fuel

Europe is building more wind and solar without any subsidies

The French electric utility Engie announced that it’s going to develop 300 megawatts of wind energy across nine wind farms

Almost half of Australian big business moving to renewables

Almost half of Australia’s large businesses are actively transitioning to cheaper renewable energy, including many going off the grid by

Renewables are booming in oil country

The rapid growth of the renewable energy sector has been astonishing. Renewables have been the fastest-growing sources of energy worldwide

Oil spill now larger than Paris ravages indonesian island

An oil spill in Borneo that began over the end of March has now spread across an area greater than

Fears of another Fukushima as Tepco plans to restart world’s biggest nuclear plant

If a single structure can define a community, for the 90,000 residents of Kashiwazaki town and the neighbouring village of

Utility CEO: new renewables will be cheaper than existing coal plants by the early 2020s

It is difficult to exaggerate just what a sea change has taken place in the discussion of renewable energy in

China aims to stop renewable energy being wasted by 2020

China aims to prevent power generated by its renewable energy sector being wasted by 2020, the country’s National Energy Administration

Unlocking energy savings from buildings

The past decade has seen major changes across the energy sector, from the emergence of solar PV or shale oil

Most expensive year on record for US natural disasters

The US experienced a record year of losses from fires, hurricanes and other weather related disasters in 2017, according to

Newcastle: world’s biggest coal export port announces shift away from coal

Newcastle, the world’s largest coal export port, must “urgently” diversify its traffic, the port’s incoming chairman has said, warning that

Ten facts about solar energy that might surprise you

After decades of development and political debate about solar energy, the industry is finally ready to stand on its own.