Tag "climate change"

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“Sun in a box” could help renewables deliver energy on demand

Widespread use of renewable energy is crucial to the carbon-free future we must achieve to curb climate change. Over the last four decades, it has become much cheaper but there are still small issues stopping it from becoming the exclusive

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Ten ways to accelerate progress against climate change

Climate scientists told us that the United States is already experiencing severe and costly impacts of a changing climate. In a separate United Nations report released in October, scientists reported that limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius would require

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EU to be carbon-neutral by 2050

The European Commission has announced a new long-term strategy for the EU to be carbon-neutral by 2050. The European Commission notes the importance of partnership in achieving this target. The long-term strategy aims to create a vision for stakeholders, researchers,

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Fighting climate change won’t destroy the economy

During an interview with the Associated Press, President Trump was asked about climate change. He responded with a digression about the intensity of hurricanes but fell back on a familiar talking point about the economy, saying that “what I’m not

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Europe’s renewable energy strategy will destroy forests and harm climate, scientists warn

Leading climate scientists have denounced the EU’s decision to push wood as a “renewable” energy source. They say the move will likely result in both a boost in greenhouse gas emissions across Europe and devastation of some of the world’s

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Sahara wind and solar farms could green the desert in more ways than one

Renewable energy installations like wind turbines or solar panels can be an important part of fighting climate change by providing energy that does not require the burning of fossil fuels. But models have shown that large solar or wind farms

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Shocking IPCC report reveals the reality of climate change if a 1.5 degree target is not achieved

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have published a new shocking report which outlines the likely impact of global warming and the devastating consequences if radical, immediate action is not taken by governments and the international community. The

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Climate change may already be hitting the housing market

Between 2007 and 2017, in the USA, average home prices in areas facing the lowest risk of flooding, hurricanes and wildfires have far outpaced those with the greatest risk, according to figures compiled for Bloomberg News by Attom Data Solutions,

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Climate change is messing with your dinner

The world’s dinner tables are seeing the impact of climate change. As cold regions become warmer, and warm places hotter still, farming and fishing are shifting. An evolving climate means big changes for people who grow, catch and rear for

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Ireland becomes world’s first country to divest from fossil fuels

The Republic of Ireland will become the world’s first country to sell off its investments in fossil fuel companies, after a bill was passed with all-party support in the lower house of parliament. The state’s €8bn national investment fund will

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