Tag "pollution"

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Oil and gas companies in North America less green than those in EU

Oil and gas companies in North America are lagging behind their European counterparts in cleaning up their operations, new research has found, with higher greenhouse gas emissions and less investment in clean alternatives. ExxonMobil and Chevron of the US, alongside

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How clean is solar power?

That solar panels do not emit greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide when they are generating electricity is without question. This is why they are beloved of many who worry about the climate-altering potential of such gases. Sceptics, though, observe

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Four of the world’s biggest cities are taking an unprecedented step to battle pollution

Some of the biggest urban-pollution headlines of the past few years haven’t come from likely suspects like Beijing and New Delhi, but rather once-pristine European cities: Paris. Athens. Madrid. Now those three capitals, plus notoriously polluted Mexico City, are taking

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Oil from BP spill has officially entered the food chain

Researchers in Louisiana have found carbon from the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the feathers and digestive tracts of seaside sparrows, proving for the first time that oil from the disastrous 2010 spill has entered the food chain. The

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Nano-spike catalysts convert carbon dioxide directly into ethanol

In a new twist to waste-to-fuel technology, scientists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed an electrochemical process that uses tiny spikes of carbon and copper to turn carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into ethanol. Their

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Fossil fuel industry is killing the world’s coral reefs

Divers from coastal communities around the world wrapped crime-scene tape around dead coral reefs during a series of underwater dives to highlight the catastrophic damage to this valuable ecosystem and the culpability of the fossil fuel industry for its loss.

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The Anthropocene epoch: scientists declare dawn of human-influenced age

Humanity’s impact on the Earth is now so profound that a new geological epoch – the Anthropocene – needs to be declared, according to an official expert group who presented the recommendation to the International Geological Congress in Cape Town

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Air pollution kills 6.5 million people every year, and it could get worse unless we act now

Exposure to indoor and outdoor air pollution is linked to the premature deaths of about 6.5 million people every year, according to new International Energy Agency cautionary report last week. That makes it the fourth-largest threat to human health after high

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Air pollution now major contributor to stroke

Air pollution has become a major contributor to stroke for the first time, with unclean air now blamed for nearly one third of the years of healthy life lost to the condition worldwide. In an unprecedented survey of global risk

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Cars and trucks burn almost half of all palm oil used in Europe

An earlier analysis of a European Commission study revealed that the climate impact of biodiesel from palm oil is three times that of fossil diesel because palm expansion drives deforestation and peatland drainage in South-East Asia, Latin America and Africa.

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