Global Estimates 2015: People displaced by disasters

Latest figures from IDMC estimate that more than 19.3 million people were forced to flee their homes by disasters in 100 countries in 2014. Hundreds of thousands more are still displaced following disasters in previous years. Since 2008, an average

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Hillary Clinton is calling for a 700% increase in solar power. Is that realistic?

In the coming months, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is planning to release a series of proposals for dealing with global warming. Her first installment came out last Sunday and sets goals for major increases in US renewable power. Specifically, she’s vowing

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The global addiction to energy subsidies

Energy prices have been falling for a year. Over the last month that trend has accelerated. On July 24th, the price of a barrel of oil in America reached a low of $48. In spite of this, governments are still

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Wind power generates 140% of Denmark’s electricity demand

So much power was produced by Denmark’s windfarms on Thursday July 9 that the country was able to meet its domestic electricity demand and export power to Norway, Germany and Sweden. On an unusually windy day, Denmark found itself producing

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European Commission proposes ‘new deal’ for energy consumers

The package is an important step towards implementing the Energy Union strategy with a forward looking climate change policy, launched as one of the political priorities of the Juncker Commission in February 2015. These proposals give prominence to the “energy

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2014 was Earth’s warmest year on record

In 2014, the most essential indicators of Earth’s changing climate continued to reflect trends of a warming planet, with several markers – such as rising land and ocean temperature, sea levels, and greenhouse gases – setting new records. These key

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Concrete ways to boost finance for sustainable energy

Innovative financial mechanisms in four key areas have the potential to boost crucial investment in sustainable energy by some $120 billion a year in the near term, an expert report from the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative shows. Investment

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Abbott government extends renewable energy investment ban to solar power

A directive banning the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) from investing in existing wind technology will also apply to small-scale solar projects, a move that will effectively throttle the industry, the Australian Solar Council said. The federal government confirmed that

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Climate change: ‘potentially catastrophic’ risks to public health

Climate change threatens to undermine half a century of progress in global health, according to a major new report. “The effects of climate change are being felt today, and future projections represent an unacceptably high and potentially catastrophic risk to

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Climate change presents ‘potentially catastrophic’ risks to public health, Lancet Commission study finds

Climate change poses such a threat to public health it risks undoing the gains of the past 50 years, a major study has found. The Lancet Commission on climate change and health found the threat had been underestimated, but that

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