Tag "Europe"

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EU to be carbon-neutral by 2050

The European Commission has announced a new long-term strategy for the EU to be carbon-neutral by 2050. The European Commission notes the importance of partnership in achieving this target. The long-term strategy aims to create a vision for stakeholders, researchers,

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Europe’s renewable energy strategy will destroy forests and harm climate, scientists warn

Leading climate scientists have denounced the EU’s decision to push wood as a “renewable” energy source. They say the move will likely result in both a boost in greenhouse gas emissions across Europe and devastation of some of the world’s

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Denmark aims for 100 percent renewable energy in 2050

Danish government proposals called for sourcing just over half of its electricity from wind turbines by 2020 and all of its energy from renewable sources in 2050. The government also invited the parties in parliament to negotiations on the proposal

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Greek island to be first in Mediterranean to power itself with only wind and solar

The Greek island of Tilos is set to be the first in the Mediterranean to power itself entirely with wind and solar power, The Associated Press reported. The final tests of a new system that will allow the island to

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Europe’s heatwave is forcing nuclear power plants to shut down

Nuclear power is one of the world’s biggest sources of carbon-free electricity. But it has an Achilles’ heel: it needs lots of water to operate. That’s bad news right now. Europe’s heatwave—which led to wildfires in Greece and Sweden, droughts

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Geothermal energy and its key role for Europe

EGEC, the European Geothermal Energy Council, has published the seventh edition of its annual study evaluating the development of the geothermal sector in Europe. The EGEC Geothermal Market Report confirms the trend towards the steady growth observed in recent years,

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EU-made batteries crucial for integration of renewables in Europe

One critical and strategic component in Europe’s e-mobility value chain, which is still weak, is batteries, European Commission Vice-President for the Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič said in Munich. Šefčovič was attending Intersolar Europe, the world’s leading exhibition for the solar

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EU raises green-energy goal to 32% share by 2030

In a demonstration of its resolve in pushing green energy, the European Union determined on June 14 to raise the targeted share of green energy to 32% by 2030, up from original 27%, which environmentalists still criticize is insufficient, though.

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Europe is building more wind and solar without any subsidies

The French electric utility Engie announced that it’s going to develop 300 megawatts of wind energy across nine wind farms in Spain, backed by $350 million (€300 million) in investment. Here’s the key: It’s doing all this without government support.

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EurObserv’ER: PV covers 7% of demand in Italy and Germany

EurObserv’ER has released its photovoltaic barometer. With nearly 100 GW of new installed capacity, the world wide solar photovoltaic market has once more set a new record. Half of this on-grid capacity (52.9 GW) was realized in China, followed by

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