Kit for schools

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Kit for schools


Energy@School is Behind Energy’s learning project for secondary school students.

Through Energy@School, we aspire to break out of traditional approaches to energy issues and help students understand the implications and consequences of the approaches taken by different countries as well as future scenarios. The project should raise awareness among young people about the broader energy debate and make them more conscious of the effects of their actions and choices.

Our tools are available for free for students and teachers

Secondary school kew stage 3


Power Point presentation: A tool for use in the classroom to help teachers to approach the issue through a logical path connecting the production and use of energy to related environmental and social implications.


Energy test: Test how much your students have learned about externalities through the “Energy@School” project.

Secondary school kew stage 4


Power Point presentation: A tool for use in the classroom to help teachers to approach the issue through a logical path connecting the production and use of energy to related environmental and social implications.


Energy test: Test how much your students have learned about externalities through the “Energy@School” project.

Tool for secondary school kew stage 3 and 4


Guide for teachers: This document gives teachers an overview of our current energy context to help them understand where the energy sector is today and the challenges it faces in the future. This future scenario is important for today’s students because they will be the ones to decide what steps we will take collectively, steps that will require enormous amounts of energy and that will have wide-ranging implications for the environment, the economy and society.


Resources: This document contains various sources of information classified by type (websites for information and updates, infographics, interactive websites, videos, places to visit in Italy) and including a brief description of each source together with whom it is aimed at.


Teaching worksheets: The teaching worksheets contain deeper analysis of the issues regarding renewable energy sources, fossil fuels, externalities and climate change, together with an overview on some new scenarios, such as international agreements on greenhouse gas emissions, investment/disinvestment trends in the energy sector, energy efficiency, sustainable mobility and green jobs.



Places to visitA brief guide to museums and projects that deal with energy topics with young students in mind.

Behind Energy video: A two-minute video to explain the Behind Energy project and the true costs of energy.